2025 Ballot

The major fundraiser for the Society is our annual Art Ballot which takes place in August. Paintings in all subjects, mediums and sizes are donated by our artists and an exhibition mounted. There are only 100 tickets available and the price is just $400 per ticket. The Ballot can be viewed on Saturday 2 August through to Saturday 23 August with the Draw at 12 noon on Sunday 24 August, 2025 (No viewing on Sunday 24 August.). Ticket sales are now open for the event. If paying by direct deposit BSB: 062-217, Acc: 00000203, Ref: Ballot and your surname.

During the viewing times, art lovers and investors come in and list their favourite paintings. On the day of the Ballot Draw, at 12 noon, the first ticket is drawn. That ticket holder has the first choice of any painting in the exhibition and so on it goes. There are always more paintings than tickets sold, so everyone has a good choice. The last four tickets drawn can choose from the Ballot paintings plus a bonus painting. It’s an exciting day and is live screened for those unable to attend.

This is a superb way of starting off your art collection or adding to it and is the perfect gift for any occasion.

The Society is a “not for profit” association deriving its income from membership, the art school, gallery, donations and the Ballot Fundraiser. 

Further enquiries: 9955 5752 or email: lavender@royalart.com.au

25/27 Walker Street, Lavender Bay (3 minutes walk from North Sydney Station)


Five in a Row by Karen Atkins FRAS

Northern Territory by Marlene Weaver FRAS

South Coast by Lydia Miller FRAS

The Blue Jug by Karen Atkins FRAS

Sudden Squall by Audrey Addison FRAS

Clownfish in Residence by Freda Surgenor FRAS

Evening Barrington River by John Perkins FRAS

Summer out West by Audrey Addison FRAS

Drying Off by Peter Smeeth FRAS