Annette McCrossin IND DES SCA, DIP RAS
Always interested in art, Annette has drawn and painted since she was a small child. After completing high school, she studied Industrial Design at Sydney College of the Arts and worked in this field for a number of years, until her career took a slightly different turn and she became a graphic designer, eventually starting her own graphics business.
Having attended classes at Julian Ashton Art School and the Royal Art Society Art School, in 2018, she completed and was awarded her Diploma in Art from the Royal Art Society Art School. While a student she was twice awarded 1st Place in Portraiture, the President’s Award and 1st Place in the Peter Dorahy Memorial Drawing Award.
Annette is a Sydney based artist and a member of the Royal Art Society, as well as the Northern Beaches Art Society Inc. and Ku-ring-gai Art Society Inc. While her preferred painting mediums are acrylics and oils, she also loves to draw and has recently discovered the joy of scratchboard drawing. She paints a variety of subject matter including portraits, birds, animals, landscapes, seascapes and abstracts. Her works have been selected to be exhibited in many exhibitions and she has won numerous awards.
Into the Wetlands
Nothing Like a Nice Cup of Tea
Cinque Terre Stairs
John Perkins Contemplating His Next Brush Stroke
Essence of Elegance
Look Into My Eyes