Beverley Woollett FRAS
As a practising RAS Artist, I embrace diversity and the challenge each different media presents. Shown here are transparent watercolours, an acrylic still life, life drawings and mixed media. My interest in life drawing has been lifelong, and so the figure is used in many of my works, at times merging with the landscape or its surroundings. Judith White’s workshops were my introduction to mixed media, especially collage, and in the process I began using ‘bits and pieces’ from my discarded paintings and lino cuts. Hence, I always have more than one artwork in progress.
Briefly, my background and awards are:
- a Fine Arts’ Certificate at Seaforth TAFE, with first prize in my final year;
- over forty prizes, including firsts for watercolour and drawing;
- a Highly Commended at Hunters Hill Art Prize; and
- a Highly Commended in the Joy Ewart Prize at The Workshop (Willoughby).
I have also participated in many mixed, and two person, exhibitions. In 2018 my paintings, under the heading ‘Artists Profile’, were exhibited in the foyer of the Mosman Art Gallery. For some years I studied watercolour with Frederic Bates, joining many of his country and overseas painting tours. Consequently, I was asked to take a beginners’ watercolour class at the Royal Art Society. The Society has always been a part of my artistic life and I am privileged to be a Fellow.
Against the Mountain
Nude figure
Six Pears
Female Nude