Debra Morgan
I took up art seriously when I retired in 2007 after working for many years at what my parents would call a real job.
As a student at the Royal Art Society NSW, I have had available to me artists such as Greg Hansell, Paul McCarthy, Joe Bezzina, Joe Penn, and Jody Graham; all of whom have helped me find my place in the art world. Along with Helen Goldsmith who encouraged me as a beginner to never give up on my art. Helen also directed me towards being involved with the planning of art exhibitions and the management of workshops and demonstrations for the art societies I am involved with.
I paint simply for the love of painting. I paint any subject in any medium with the lushness of oils being my preferred medium particularly when painting plain air. I will use brushes, pallet knife and fingers to apply paint and prefer to use a feather rather than a pen when working in ink. I enjoy plain air but am just as happy painting at home or with fellow painters in the studio at the R.A.S. with portrait and life models or painting a still life in pastel, oil or acrylic.
After the Burn, Kimberley's
Yulong River Mountains, China
Kakadu Sunset
Hot Rocks, Kylmnos
Kakadu Wetlands
5 o'clock Shadow, Kimberley Sunset