Hilary Hatfield
Ocean Frenzy
Broken Dreams
I was born in the UK, lived in South Africa and settled in Australia many years ago. I describe myself as an abstract artist working in acrylics.
I paint intuitively, wondering where the painting will take me. I make random marks with pencil, charcoal, dripping paint, lifting out and painting over. Layers are built up until the visual elements stand out and offer something new and the images come alive.
While I do not work with a predetermined subject in mind, my paintings are all connected to the Natural World. A world alive with mystery and messages, and dealing with climate change.
I give titles to my work when shown in exhibitions but for the most part I prefer to leave my work untitled. I want my paintings to be open to the imagination of the viewers and to stimulate their senses.
I have exhibited in South Africa, New York and Sydney.
Climate Turmoil
Cascading Tears
Under Water Harmony
Amongst the Rocks