Jeanette Watson FRAS
Jeanette Watson - Jessie Hilder Jeanette Watson, nee Davis, Dec.'37.
Art runs in Davis, Rofe (my mother's maiden name), and Hilder families, all are my forebears. J.J.Hilder, watercolourist, was a cousin of my mother's maternal grandfather. My mother was a student of Julian Ashton himself in the 1920s.
I came first in art most years at school, and won a Leaving Certificate scholarship to the National Art School. Topped first year at the North Sydney campus that was in Falcon St ('55). Worked as artist/retoucher at Farmer & Co., then David Jones. First used pastels as a child. Later found them the ideal expressive medium whilst raising a large family. A more recent gift of fine pastels has reinforced them as my primary medium, though l'm happy to experiment in any medium, including printmaking and small sculptures. My artwork may be representational or abstract, depending on my response to the subject. I've worked as a picture framer, valuable experience for any artist.
Have won many prizes and commendations, and works are held in council and private collections.
Fallen Giant
A Different View, Ryde Bridge
The Phantom's Opera
Autumn Afternoon, Rozelle Bay