June was born in Sydney and ever since childhood has been passionate about painting. In the years after training she taught, travelled, lectured, gave seminars and workshops and held the position of Patron of the Central Coast Watercolour Society when living in that area. She is a Fellow of this Society and has served on its Council. She has won numerous awards and has been appointed Judge for many competitive exhibitions statewide. Her work hangs in private and public collections in Australia and in private collections overseas. June has had many personal and joint exhibitions, published “Tyson’s Outback”, a book of paintings following the 6 year, 20,000km adventure over eastern Australia finding and painting on the properties once owned by James Tyson, (1819-1898), Australia’s first native born pastoralist millionaire. This historic collection gives testament to a remarkable pioneer.
The Home Stretch
Hydrangea Series, Morning Light
June Young FRAS
Autumn Landscape, Barakee
Waiting for Nothing to Happen
Agapanthus on the Hill
Sunlit Morning at the Musterers' Camp, Babbiloora