Terina Jones
My interest from a very young age in art, colour and design led to a career of forty years in the creative fields of photography and advertising. With no formal art training and semi-retired, I took a “leap of faith” into the art arena in late 2015 to follow a long-time dream of being an artist. Since then I have been humbled to win a number of awards and had my work exhibited at Muse Gallery, Castle Hill. Energy as a force that flows through all living things is the stimulus that I feature in large scale abstract artworks with my characteristic “free” style. I like to explore the conscious and sub conscious energy either from a small or large perspective. Subjects are inspired from life experiences and nature and all artworks are created from my mind without a visual stimulus. It is the essence of the Australian landscape (natural or built) and interest in human psychology that drives the content and emotion evident in my work. Production involves working quickly with a sense of freedom to evoke an emotive response. Often painting with only my hands or palette knife I use a wide variety of mediums (acrylic and mixed media) on board, canvas and paper. Vibrant colour and movement to delight the senses are critical elements. I look forward to being an active exhibiting member at the society and pursuing art studies.
Art Awards include:
· “First” in acrylic/oils contemporary at Baulkham Hills Art Society Art Show, Orange Blossom Festival
· 2016 “Best in Show” and a “Commended” in Traditional oils/acrylics at Castle Hill Art Society
· “First” in acrylic seascapes, “Third” in still life and a “Commended” in mixed media at 2016 Northern Suburbs A&H Society Inc Art Show.
Birds in the Garden
Profusion of Autumn
Harbour City
Coastal Cliff
Nature's Beauty
Spring Thaw