Warwick Fuller FRAS
Warwick Fuller has painted the Australian landscape for over forty years, during which time he has built a solid reputation for himself, with more than sixty solo exhibitions, including twelve in the heart of London, numerous awards and has gathered a plethora of friends and followers. He has produced videos, documentaries and a number of books including 'Impressions and Interpretations', 'It’s the Light’ and 'Chasing the Light”.
Towering Light Catcher
In 2012, 2015 and again in 2018, Warwick served as the Official Tour Artist for His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, during their tours of Australia. Fourteen of his resulting paintings were acquired by the Prince and Dutchess and resided in their private collection. They now belong to the Royal Collection.
He is an outdoor painter. His extraordinary landscapes not only represent the beauty he sees, but also what he is personally experiencing while painting. "The thrill of gazing at the last rays of sunlight in the tree tops. I can paint something of what it looks like but I am trying to paint how I feel! I want my pictures to sing the songs I sang when I painted them. My hope is that if I can paint with the joy of that moment, something of my emotional responses to the moment will shine through.”
Winter Light, Glen Davis
Light on the Hill. Study II
Capertee Valley
Georges River
Towers of Stone, Capertee Valley
Above Lake Lyell
Lingering Frost. Wiseman’s Creek
Silverton after Rain
Near Lake Lyell